Meet EC Garrett
I'm Emily, also known as EC Garrett. I'm a 29 year old Alaskan transplant now living in Kansas City, MO and I write fantasy/sci-fi speculative fiction.
When I was little, my parents had to buy twenty copies of The Rabbit Carnival by H.L. Ross because I asked to have it read over and over and over again each night. For as long as I can remember, I've always been enchanted with stories and filled with many of my own.
Fast forward to standing in line, waiting for Tamora Pierce to sign my book when she visited my tiny hometown of Juneau, Alaska, and held a meet and greet at our tiny public library. I got my treasured copy of The Lioness Rampart signed, and a dream began to take shape.
Then comes college, creative writing classes, a B.A. in English Literature, and a boatload of inspiration. But my fear of failure pushed me into a career in script writing, copywriting, and social media instead. Suddenly it's eight years later, in the fall of 2022, and on a whim, I decided to join the NaNoWriMo November challenge of writing 50k words in four weeks.
One year later and I'm about to release my debut novel, a Grimdark-esque Dark Epic Fantasy inspired by Dante's Inferno and the Later Roman Empire - and I've already started working on the sequel, and four additional projects that I will be releasing over the coming years.
Although I'm always working, in my spare time, I'm either with my partner, cooking, playing with my dog, riding horses at the barn, reading, or binging the newest season of The Witcher.

Contact ECG
Reach out on social media or send her an email!
*author sometimes disappears into her stories. please allow 3-5 business days for a response, and then ping her again if you haven't heard anything.
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Keep me caffeinated so I can write you more stories! ;)